JEFF BRIDGES Malibu 1991

Jeff Bridges is a fine fellow! And shooting him on such films as “Against All Odds,” “Starman,” “Jagged Edge,” and “8 Million Ways to Die” and for numerous magazine assignments has allowed me to see him through the years in many of his film-influenced changes of personae.

When I shot him for Versace, he had just finished filming “The Fisher King,” which meant he still had very long hair that he wore in a ponytail. He had also just finished reading Iron John—“a new vision of what it is to be a man… (A return to) vigorous masculinity”—OK!

This wasn’t Jeff the Laconic Athlete of Against All Odds, nor the Robotical Starman, nor the Seductive Murderer of Jagged Edge. No, this was Wild Man Jeff. He truly had found his inner cave man, and no tuxedo was going to change that!